Blackberry Moments
So, what are “Blackberry Moments” you ask. Legitimate question. The genesis of the answer can be traced to a little league baseball field outside Atlanta back in the mid 60’s when I played in a game that may very well have featured the first blackberry delay in the history of the grand old game.
Two players who had hopped the outfield chain link fence in search of a ball got sidetracked by the sight of blackberry bramble. Rather than retrieve the ball they decided to take a few minutes to enjoy some wild growing blackberries.
That moment morphed from a story my dad loved to tell and retell, into what amounted to a modern day parable for me as I grew into adulthood and fatherhood. The message was simply this—don’t be afraid to step away from the game and enjoy the blackberry moments— those unexpected and unpredictable moments that can make life extraordinary. Those moments are sweet and meant to be savored. They can be as simple as a kind word of encouragement to someone who needs one , to a surprise parking lot bouquet for a total stranger for no apparent reason at all. It can be buying a cup of coffee for the customer behind you at the convenience store, or being there for a friend who needs a listening ear.
Blackberry moments are there for the picking — you just have to keep an eye out— and be ready to step away from the game (the job, the conference call, the round of golf, the TV) and recognize ‘em. You’ll find that they will change your life, and more importantly, make somebody else’s day/week/month/year/life better. Here’s to finding those moments and savoring them!
Ernie Johnson, Jr.
Trust God…Period
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